Instituições Sociais e os Objetivos do Desenvolvimento Sustentável: o estado da arte das publicações da Web of Science
Social Institutions and the Objectives of Sustainable Development: the state of the art of Web of Science Publications
The challenges of implementing the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are still little explored in the context of social organizations. The present study aimed to understand how the aforementioned social institutions can contribute to achieving the sustainable development goals (SDGs), defined by the 2030 Agenda. For this purpose, a literature review study was carried out, through bibliometric research. . Most of the studies carried out were empirical and qualitative in nature. Analysis of the number of publications over the years revealed that the first studies related to the constructs only appeared from 2015 onwards. In the context of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), the publications had a particular emphasis on SDG 3 (health and well-being), SDG 1 (eradication of poverty) and SDG 9 (industry, innovation and infrastructure). The study highlighted the importance of the participation of various actors involved, such as governments, companies and civil society, highlighting the need for collaboration between these agents to promote sustainable objectives.
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