Teacher training for use of Digital Technologies of Information and Communication in Education: Webquest in classroom


  • Juliana Dalbem Omodei
  • Simone Maria Carlos Gakiya
  • Jane Aparecida de Souza Santana
  • Elisa Tomoe Moriya Schlünzen
Supporting Agencies


Webquest, distance education, teacher training


This article has intended to describe the experiences made in construction, planning, implementation and analysis of a given extension course in the distance mode developed during a discipline of Post Graduate Education Program FCT/UNESP/Presidente Prudente. Course had as target audience 17 teachers network hall of education of the president of municipality of Education Secretariat Sage / SP acting since childhood education to the fundamental education (Cycle I). The general objective of the course was build school educators public for use of digital technologies of information and communication, especially through WebQuest methodology in disseminate attempt impregnate new technologies in the classroom, providing teachers participants to know opportunity a methodology of focused research in internet use. The told course with a load of time and 140h was divided into four modules: Distance Education and Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) Teleduc; 2. Ict in Education; 3. Planning WebQuest; 4. Blog production for publication and implementation of WebQuest. For analysis of course and modules have been created some categories in attempt to facilitate the identification of results. So, what was possible realize the goals were offered a priori achieved because teachers saw course participants in the methodology WebQuest as one morem chance work with technology in school environment, leaving of a structured activity and significant for students.


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How to Cite

OMODEI, J. D.; GAKIYA, S. M. C.; SANTANA, J. A. de S.; SCHLÜNZEN, E. T. M. Teacher training for use of Digital Technologies of Information and Communication in Education: Webquest in classroom. Travessias, Cascavel, v. 10, n. 1, p. e14199, 2016. Disponível em: https://e-revista.unioeste.br/index.php/travessias/article/view/14199. Acesso em: 17 jul. 2024.

