
Supporting Agencies


Teleworking, Home based work, Higher Education Institution


In line with the demands of globalization, flexibility and the need for social isolation, teleworking has shown itself to be a new job alternative for managers and professionals. The research, based on the literature on telework, above all, on the home-based work, verified the opportunity of a telework experiment by some UDESC staff. The objective of the research is to plan, to implement, and to evaluate the teleworking pilot project in a public higher education institution, through the action research strategy. Data collection took place in different ways: questionnaire, documents, and meetings. Data analysis was performed according to the interpretation of the theoretical framework, which followed the analytical categories: culture and regulation, infrastructure, awareness, selection, supervision, drivers and barriers, benefits, and weaknesses. The study seeks to contribute to the teleworking literature by presenting the development of this modality over time and its nuances found. The alignment of the organizational culture and the elaboration of norms were fundamental for an effective project. Infrastructure and awareness are necessary for teleworking to generate benefits, as well as selection in line with the most appropriate profile and on a voluntary basis. Finally, it was found that there are disadvantages and barriers on a smaller scale than benefits and drivers.

Author Biographies


Studying Doctorate in Administration at ESAG / UDESC and Graduation in Accounting at UFSC. Graduated in Business Administration from ESAG / UDESC (2017.2), she participated as a student support fellow, research fellow and discipline monitor. She studied Professional Master in Business Administration at ESAG / UDESC (2018.2-2020.1), all the time as a research fellow in the research group Dimensions and Organizational Processes-STRATEGOS, with a focus on studying people management and flexible work practices.


graduation at Administração from Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina (1992), master's at Production Engineering from Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina (2003) and doctorate at Administration from Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina (2013). Has experience in Administration, focusing on Business Administration, acting on the following subjects: varejo, teletrabalho, vendas, revisão integrativa and recursos.


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How to Cite

LEITE, A. L.; LEMOS, D. da C. TELEWORKING PILOT PROJECT FOR TECHNICAL WORKERS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF THE STATE OF SANTA CATARINA. Revista Expectativa, [S. l.], v. 20, n. 1, p. 73–96, 2021. DOI: 10.48075/revex.v20i1.26693. Disponível em: Acesso em: 18 jul. 2024.



Seção - Gestão nas Organizações