Secretariado Executivo nas redes e mídias sociais: o Marketing Digital como ferramenta profissional




Secretariado Executivo, Redes e Mídias Sociais, Marketing Digital.


Companies have found very effective and positive results in “content creators”, mainly due to the relationship of trust, responsibility and influence that digital influencers have transmitted on the social network. Marketing aims to satisfy consumers and make them loyal to the company. In digital marketing, the objective remains the same, but with a different focus: digital contact. (ARAUJO; DUARTE, 2016). The Marketing domain is essential for the development of secretarial work. With the advent of technology and internet access, networks and social media have assumed a fundamental role in the professional world, so the present research proposed to spend a scientific look on the presence of the Executive Secretariat professional in social networks and media, using of Digital Marketing tools. The general objective of this study was to investigate the existing practices and relationships between the Executive Secretariat and the use of social networks. In this way, through the demonstration in tables in a quantitative way, it was possible to perceive the adaptability of the Executive Secretariat, walking along with the globalized world, updating itself ahead of several other professions. As a result, social networks have attractive tools for the secretarial context, both to demonstrate professional performance and to disseminate this area that is in constant and unprecedented growth.


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How to Cite

LUCENA, I. F. de. Secretariado Executivo nas redes e mídias sociais: o Marketing Digital como ferramenta profissional. Revista Expectativa, [S. l.], v. 22, n. 2, p. 42–62, 2023. DOI: 10.48075/revex.v22i2.29172. Disponível em: Acesso em: 17 jul. 2024.



Seção - Secretarial