Argumentação no gênero discursivo memorial: efeitos de sentido mobilizados pela modalização avaliativa em textos de discentes do curso de Secretariado Executivo




Palavras chaves: Argumentação. Modalização. Gênero memorial.


The present research aimed to describe the effects of meaning mobilized by the evaluative modality in the discursive genre memorial. Specifically, we tried to map and catalog the types of modalities; identify and analyze Specifically, we sought to map this phenomenon, analyze its argumentative functioning and identify the compositional structure, linguistic style and thematic content of the genre. The theoretical part was based on studies of Cervoni (1989), Castilho and Castlho (2002), and the studies of Nasciento e Silva (2012 in addition to other authors who address the memorial genre. The corpus was composed of three memorials collected on the World Wide Web and were produced by students of the Bilingual Executive Secretariat course at the Federal University of Paraíba. In methodological terms, it is a research whose nature is qualitative, in view of the theoretical perspective adopted and also quantitative, since the object of study is cataloged in numerical terms. The results reveal that argumentativeness in this genre is marked in expressions, adjectives and adjectival sentences, used by speakers to express points of view and value judgment in the utterance.



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How to Cite

SILVA DE OLIVEIRA, J.; DA SILVA ADELINO, F. J.; GONÇALVES DE DEUS, K. R.; PEREIRA DO NASCIMENTO, E. Argumentação no gênero discursivo memorial: efeitos de sentido mobilizados pela modalização avaliativa em textos de discentes do curso de Secretariado Executivo . Revista Expectativa, [S. l.], v. 22, n. 4, p. 75–90, 2023. DOI: 10.48075/revex.v22i4.30447. Disponível em: Acesso em: 17 jul. 2024.



Seção - Línguas/Comunicação