Vol. 7 No. 3 (2024): Five intersections between Philosophy and Design (Special Number)

Philosophy, Life, Art, Architecture, History, Memory, Language, Psychology, Creativity, and Design! These are the areas that the contributors to this Dossier are engaged in. This proposal is the result of four years of dialogue between design and philosophy, between the editor of Aoristo – International Journal of Phenomenology, Hermeneutics and Metaphysics (Roberto S. Kahlmeyer-Mertens, Professor in the Graduate Program in Philosophy at the Western Paraná State University/UNIOESTE), and the organizer of the Dossier (Marli T. Everling, Professor in the Graduate Program in Design at the University of the Region of Joinville/UNIVILLE). The Dossier – the first in as special issue of Aoristo Journal – is organized in a program that may suggest a certain reading order. However, the eleven texts are autonomous and complete in themselves, allowing for random reading or reading of selected texts. The grouping of contributions into themes in five different intersections aims to offer some linearity. This edition expresses our recognition to all those who ventured into the structuring, articulation and production of this rich Dossier, expanding worlds, which, in part, we share here.