About the Journal

The International Journal of Environmental Resilience Research and Science - IJERRS ISSN Eletrônico 2675-3456 is the result of the International Climate Resilience Research Network - RIPERC, with the membership of 260 researchers from more than 100 institutions from 15 different countries: Brazil, United Kingdom, Paraguay , Argentina, Mexico, Chile, Bolivia, Venezuela, Guatemala, Cuba, Mexico, Spain, Italy, Angola and Ghana. This journal was created from a partnership between the University of York (UY-UK) and the State University of West Paraná (Unioeste), with the support of the University of Leeds (UK) as a result of the UK - Brazil Development Financing Workshop Weather Resilient. It integrates the activities of the Doctoral and Master's Graduate Program in Sustainable Rural Development (PPGDRS Unioeste) and the Center for Teaching, Research and Extension in Protection and Disasters (CEPED-Unioeste), which aims to be a space for the dissemination of academic research that provide a fruitful and thought-provoking reading to seek dialogue between different institutions, putting on the agenda trans and interdisciplinary discussions of the necessary conditions to strengthen participatory and inclusive environmental citizenship, which reaches all social segments in Latin America and the global community, bringing in its texture the principles for equality, peace, life and a future with hope.

It is an international journal and as it still does not have the quadrennium to be evaluated, it received QUALIS CAPES C.