Climate change and the role of agriculture south-mato-grossense in carbon neutralization

Climate change and the role of agriculture south-mato-grossense in carbon neutralization


  • Gabriel Henrique de Olanda Souza Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia de Mato Grosso do Sul
  • Lucas Eduardo de Oliveira Aparecido Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of the South of Minas Gerais
  • Guilherme Botega Torsoni Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of Mato Grosso do Sul



As climate change advances, risk assessments contribute to reducing vulnerability and improving food security. National strategies and adaptation plans to alleviate the negative impacts of climate change are essential for a low-carbon and climate-resilient future, and agriculture is an important part of the solution. This study explores the dynamic relationship between the change in essential climate variables of the multi-model Coupled Model Intercomparison Project Phase 6 (CMIP6) set of the Climate Change Knowledge Portal (CCKP) platform and the adaptation strategies of agriculture in Mato Grosso do Sul, with the objective of systematically specify and differentiate adaptation measures, summarizing the practical progress of carbon neutrality, the path to achieving carbon neutrality, and carbon neutrality research. The CMIP6 projections showed a worrisome climate environment for agricultural production in Mato Grosso do Sul, in particular the increase in average air temperature, by up to 1.5ºC for the year 2030. However, policies for the development and adoption of sustainable production practices are being created, tested and practiced in the field, being essential for the State of Mato Grosso do Sul to reach the great goal of carbon neutralization in 2030. marginal and 2070 pessimistic.
Keywords: climate. CO2. greenhouse gases.

Author Biographies

Gabriel Henrique de Olanda Souza, Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia de Mato Grosso do Sul

Acadêmico de Agronomia - IFMS

Lucas Eduardo de Oliveira Aparecido, Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of the South of Minas Gerais

EBTT Professor at the Federal Institute of Education of Southern Minas Gerais (IFSULDEMINAS) - Campus Muzambinho in the area of ​​Agricultural Engineering/Agrometeorology/Agricultural Climatology. Research Productivity Scholarship from CNPq. Responsible for the Laboratory of Agrometeorology at IFSULDEMINAS Campus Muzambinho. Doctor and Master in Agricultural Agrometeorology/Climatology - UNESP Jaboticabal. Engineer and Technician in Agriculture by the Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of the South of Minas - Campus Muzambinho, MG. Degree in Biology from Claretiano - BATATAIS/SP (2019). Associate Editor of the Brazilian Journal of Meteorology (RBMET). He has experience in publishing articles in international journals and in Technological Development, mainly in the development and registration of software and applications at the INPI. Developer of the SYSWAB-System for Water Balance Software (INPI: BR512014001349-9), for managing agrometeorological stations, currently deployed at the Regional Cooperative of Coffee Growers of Guaxupé-COOXUPÉ and Developer of the IF-CLIMA mobile application for climate monitoring currently deployed at COPASUL - Cooperativa Sul Matogrossense. Collaborates as a reviewer in journals indexed nationally and internationally. He is an ad-hoc consultant in research projects and public tender boards. He has participated in master's and doctoral boards, course completion works and scientific initiation salon. He acts as a researcher/teacher in the orientation and co-supervision of scientific initiation students, both for PIBIC/CNPq scholarship holders and for students who fulfill the mandatory intern credits (IFMS/PIBIC-Jr) and postgraduate studies at the Master's and Doctorate level. It has projects approved by FAPESP, FUNDECT, FAPEMIG, SETEC-MEC, IFES and CNPq. He was a professor/collaborator of the master's degree at UNIFENAS. At graduation, he teaches classes in the disciplines: Agrometeorology; Topography; Agronomic Experimentation. In Lato sensu teaches the discipline of "Scientific Research Methodology III" in the GRADUATION Lato sensu IN BIOETHICS. Stricto sensu, he is a permanent professor of the Master in Food Science and Technology at IFSULDEMINAS. Coffee producer in the south of Minas Gerais. (Source: Lattes Curriculum)

Guilherme Botega Torsoni, Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of Mato Grosso do Sul

He holds a degree in Physics from the Faculty of Engineering of Ilha Solteira (2005), a Master's degree in Materials Science from the Paulista State University Júlio de Mesquita Filho (2008) and a PhD in Materials Science from the Paulista State University Júlio de Mesquita Filho (2012). He is currently an EBTT professor at the Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of Mato Grosso do Sul. He has experience in publishing articles in international journals and in Technological Development, mainly in the development and registration of software and applications at the INPI. Developer of the IF-CLIMA mobile application for climate monitoring currently implemented at COPASUL - Cooperativa Sul Matogrossense. Collaborates as a reviewer in journals indexed nationally and internationally. Has worked in the area of ​​Agrometeorology, with emphasis on Climate Modeling, Evapotranspiration, Climatological Water Balance, Climate Risk, Climate Classifications, Climate Change Scenarios, Machine Learning Algorithms in Python.

Information collected from Lattes on 05/28/2022



How to Cite

DE OLANDA SOUZA, G. H.; EDUARDO DE OLIVEIRA APARECIDO, L.; BOTEGA TORSONI, G. . Climate change and the role of agriculture south-mato-grossense in carbon neutralization: Climate change and the role of agriculture south-mato-grossense in carbon neutralization. International Journal of Environmental Resilience Research and Science, [S. l.], v. 5, n. 2, p. 01–14, 2023. DOI: 10.48075/ijerrs.v5i2.30903. Disponível em: Acesso em: 17 jul. 2024.