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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • • The contribution must be original and unpublished, and should not be under consideration for publication elsewhere; otherwise, justification should be presented through Comments to the Editor.
  • • The file being submitted must be in Microsoft Word, OpenOffice or RTF format.
  • • Text must follow style standards established in the author guidelines, which is found in About the Journal.
  • • In case of submission to a peer-reviewed section (e.g., articles), the author must send an article without authorship information.

Author Guidelines

Author guidelines

The articles must be in accordance to the following guidelines:

The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for publication consideration in any other press or digital media.

• The article must have methodological rigor, academic quality and a clear exposition.

• The article must have a minimum of 10 pages (19.640 characters including spaces) and a maximum of 30 pages (54.564 characters including spaces), including images, photographs, tables or graphics.

• The article may be written in Portuguese, or in Spanish, or in English, or in French.




1. Articles must be sent, in Word format, via the journal electronic submission system. Copyrighted work cannot be used.

3. The texts should be typed with the following configuration: Times New Roman font, size 12, double space, fully justified and with symmetric margins of 2,5 cm.

4. Paragraphs must be indicated without space, indented, except in the case of paragraphs which follow titles or subtitles.

5. It will present uninterrupted page numbers.

6. The first page will include title (maximum of 10 words) and the name of the author or authors, as well as personal information, they are: a) academic title and university where it was concluded; b) work institution; e-mail address and Orcid number and two abstracts , one written in the language of the article and another in English. If the article is in English the second abstract should be in Spanish, Portuguese and French. 


The abstract of articles and works submitted to the journal Onomastics from Latin America must be 300 words long and provide the reader with a complete and concise description of the most important parts of the research reported in the article: context, purpose and/or objectives, methodology, results obtained and contribution of the research to the field of Onomastics. After the abstract, three to five keywords separated by a comma should be included.

8. The citations and references must be written according to the editorial pattern of the 7th.Edition American Psychological Association (APA).

9. The articles of the “Works” section must contain, in a footnote included after the title, the full name of the supervisor.

10. There is no limitation on the number of authors per article, however, in cases where there is more than one author, the first author must inform the editor all authors' role according to the taxonomy provided by LCCRedit - Contributor Roles Taxonomy which can be accessed at



Scientific articles and review of literature in Onomastics


Articles derived from research reports or teaching practices carried out by undergraduate and graduate students of Onomastics. Articles derived from scientific initiation programs, undergraduate final projects, student teacher trainings, master and thesis researchers, etc.


This section publishes translation up to 4 articles  chosen among those approved for publication in the same volume of the journal. The articles to be translate are chosen by the advisory board to better promote the multilingualism and internationalization of the journal. Before publication, the journal asked authors of the chosen articles for permission. The translations are made by the translator team of the journal.  


The articles published in this section are organized by an editor invited by the journal that suggests the subject of the dossier and is responsible for the reception and evaluation of the articles submitted and for the publication of a summary article on the articles approved for publication as an introduction to the session.


In this section, mini-articles that report an onomastic finding or curiosity from finished research with partial or total published results that are published in another journal. Each “Mini” must have,  two titles ( in English and other in Portuguese or Spanish),  two abstracts of 20 to 50 words ( in English and other in Portuguese or Spanish), 3 to 5 key words (in English and other in Portuguese or Spanish), text of 3,000 characters without spaces and up to 5 references, including the one that indicates where the search is published.

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The names and addresses informed in this journal will be used exclusively
for the services provided by this publication, and will not be made
available for other purposes or to third parties.