Religious anthroponymy in Algeria




Anthroponomy, religion, forms, theophore, hegirian




In this article, we are interested in Onomastics, which was, initially, an auxiliary science of History and Linguistics that   become a transdisciplinary science mobilizing other sciences such as Sociology, Marketing, Law, and Literature. We dedicate this work in particular to religious-based anthroponymy. As a result, we wonder about the origin and formation of anthroponyms recorded over two study periods of 1875/1885 and 1962/2010. These are two corpuses identified at the civil registry services of the city of Mostaganem. In this diachronic study, our goal is to make understandable the historical and religious conditions that produced anthroponymic categories formed using religious bases.

Keywords: Anthropony; religion; forms; theophore; hegirian.


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Sitographie consulté le 22/03/2017 à 16h00



How to Cite

TAIBI-MAGHRAOUI, Y. Religious anthroponymy in Algeria. Onomastics from Latin America, [S. l.], v. 2, n. 3, p. 119–131, 2020. DOI: 10.48075/odal.v0i0.25486. Disponível em: Acesso em: 21 jan. 2025.


