Preference of ballot names in some counties of the state of Rio de Janeiro


  • Glaucia Peçanha Alves UFMG

Supporting Agencies


Ballot names, City councils of Rio de Janeiro, Elections 2020, Anthroponomastics


This article aims to analyze the processes of formation of ballot names of elected and alternate candidates who assumed the position of councilor of Municipal Councils of the state of Rio de Janeiro in the current legislature (2021-2024). To this purpose, these names are compared with the civil names of each candidate, in order to verify whether or not there is a preference of the registration names, only for the formation of the ballot names. In addition, it is also intended to compare the formation of the ballot names of elected candidates in the poorest municipalities with that of the elected candidates in the richest municipalities of the state. The assumptions of Annthroponomastics (AMARAL, 2011; Amaral; SEIDE, 2020; VAN LANGENDONCK, 2007 and others) and Socio- Onomastics (AINIALA, 2016; AINIALA; ÖSTMAN, 2017) are adopted. The results reveal that, in the municipalities investigated, there is a preference for names of the civil registry to form ballot names. However, comparing the choices of elected candidates from the wealthiest municipalities with those of the elected candidates of the poorest municipalities, it is proven that  elected candidates  of the richest municipalities prefer names of the civil registry (only) for the formation of the ballot names and elected candidates of the poorest municipalities prefer to use their nicknames.


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How to Cite

PEÇANHA ALVES, G. Preference of ballot names in some counties of the state of Rio de Janeiro: . Onomastics from Latin America, [S. l.], v. 3, n. 6, p. 3–26, 2022. DOI: 10.48075/odal.v3i6.29384. Disponível em: Acesso em: 30 jun. 2024.