Resistance of wood Jatobá lumber by attack of Rhizoctonia solani


  • Neyssa Aparecida Filho Saccoman
  • Soraia Olivastro Teixeira
  • Grace Queiroz David
  • Walmor Moya Peres
  • Oscar Mitsuo Yamashita
  • Paulo Sergio Koga
Agências de fomento


fungo manchador, Hymenaea coubaril, preservação da madeira, umidade.


The Rhizoctonia is a stainer fungus that causes great damage to the timber industry, attacking several species of commercial interest. The objective of this study was to evaluate the resistance of wood sawn Jatoba with different moisture contents to the fungus Rhizoctonia solani attack, in a controlled environment and natural conditions. The treatments consisted of two regions of the wood sample collection (sapwood and heartwood), two environments B.O.D. (± 24 ºC) under natural conditions (± 30 ºC) and four levels of moisture (control, 20%, 40-45% and 70-75%) with 12 replications. Samples were inoculated on their surface with pure culture of the fungus R. solani. The micelliation of the fungus was verified using a transparent plastic template. The results showed a favorable effect on the development of the fungus in the sapwood samples with moisture contents in the 70-75% range in a controlled environment, being more intense than 20% and 40-45%, characterizing that Rhizoctonia develops better under high levels of moisture. It is evident the importance of performing the wood drying process, thus obtaining moisture content unfavorable to the development of fungi.




Como Citar

SACCOMAN, N. A. F.; TEIXEIRA, S. O.; DAVID, G. Q.; PERES, W. M.; YAMASHITA, O. M.; KOGA, P. S. Resistance of wood Jatobá lumber by attack of Rhizoctonia solani. Scientia Agraria Paranaensis, [S. l.], v. 16, n. 3, p. 360–365, 2017. Disponível em: Acesso em: 11 out. 2024.



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