Post treatment of domestic sewage with Spirodela polyrhiza macrophyte


  • Andreia da Paz Schiller
  • Daniel Schwantes
  • Affonso Celso Gonçalves Jr.
  • Eduardo Somavilla
  • Jéssica Manfrin
  • Marcelo Ângelo Campagnolo
Agências de fomento


fitorremediação, águas residuárias, remoção de nutrientes.


Wastewater treatment systems for domestic effluents have high efficiency for reducing solids concentrations, chemical oxygen demand (COD), biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) and other organic compounds, however, are deficient for removal some nutrients such as nitrogen and phosphorus. Aquatic plants can be used in wastewater treatment, especially with regard to the post-treatment of effluents, in order to removal nutrients and other parameters not previously remedied. Thus, the aim of this study was to evaluate the efficiency of post-treatment wastewater by aquatic macrophyte Spirodela polyrhiza. To this purpose, 250 liters of post-treated wastewater were placed in a polyethylene reactor operating in batch for 42 days. Effluent samples were performed due to the hydraulic retention time (HRT), every 7 days. In effluent were evaluated the following parameters: dissolved oxygen (DO); temperature; pH; turbidity; total solids, fixed solids and volatile solids; COD; total nitrogen and total phosphorus concentrations. The results were satisfactory, observing maximum efficiency for removal of turbidity, N, P and COD of 99%, 100%, 100% and 88% respectively. It was observed that the plant senescence process might have been responsible for changes in turbidity and DO parameters. The macrophyte proved to be a great option for post-treatment of domestic sewage, as it requires for its development high levels of nutrients, thus assimilating these nutrients from the environment to which they belong. More studies are needed, as in Brazil Spirodela polyrhiza is still poorly studied.




Como Citar

SCHILLER, A. da P.; SCHWANTES, D.; GONÇALVES JR., A. C.; SOMAVILLA, E.; MANFRIN, J.; CAMPAGNOLO, M. Ângelo. Post treatment of domestic sewage with Spirodela polyrhiza macrophyte. Scientia Agraria Paranaensis, [S. l.], v. 16, n. 3, p. 287–295, 2017. Disponível em: Acesso em: 15 out. 2024.



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