Index and repositories and databases

Indexadores / Index / Indexaciones: ARDI: Access to Research for Development and Innovation; CiteFactor - JCR Report ; CABI : Center for Agriculture and Biosciences International; CLASE: Citas Latinoamericanas en Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades ;  Copernicus Index;  Crossref;  Diadorim; DIALNET; DRIJ : Directory of Research Journals Indexing;  DOAJ : Directory of Open Access Journal; ERIHPLUS - The European Reference Index for the Humanities and the Social Sciences; Google Acadêmico; InfoBASE Index; KC - KindCongress, LATINDEX - Sistema Regiona de Informacion en Linea ; MIAR: Information Matrix for the Analysis of Journals; OAJI : Open Academic Journals Index; REDIB:  Red Iberoamericana de Innovación y Conocimiento Cientifico;  RESEARCHBIB- Academic Resource Index; ResearchGate; SCILIT - Scientific Literature

Base de Dados / Database / Base de datos:  ACAAP Repositorio Científico de Acesso Aberto de Portugal ; AURA - Espacio de revistas; BASE - Bielefeld Academic Search Engine ; BIBLAT -  Bibliografia Latinoamericana; CABI : Center for Agriculture and Biosciences Intertnational; Copernicus Master List; CZ3 - EZB; DIALNET; Genamics JournalSeek ;  InfoBase; Internet Archive,  J4F - Journals for Free; KanalRegister;  ProQuest part of Clarivate; PKP - Public Knowledge Project; ResearchGate; Research4Life; Semantic Scholar; SCOPUS - Citation Report;  SCILIT - Scientific Literature.

Catálogos / Catalogs: AURA - Espacio de revistas; CIRAD - The French Agricultural Research Centre for International Development; CZ3 - Elektronische Zeitschriftenbibliothek; Dialnet;  DOAJ - Directory of Open Access Journal ; Fatcat!, LATINDEX - Sistema Regional de Informacion en Linea; Fatcat!, LIVRE- Revistas de Livre Acesso;  Miguilim - Diretório de Revistas Científicas Eletrônicas Brasileiras;  OpenAire Explore; PKP - Public Knowledge Project;  QUALIS Capes -Portal de Periódicos; Research4Life; ResearchGate; Semantic Scholar; Sudoc; WorldCat; EZB - Elektronische Zeitschriftenbibliothek, ZDB -German Union Catalogue of Serials .

Rede de Colaboração / Collaboration Network / Red de colaboración:  LatinREV - Red Latinoamericana de colaboraciónPKP -; REDIB:  Red Iberoamericana de Innovación y Conocimiento Cientifico.