Biomassa, Energia Renovável, Biogás.Abstract
One of the biggest available power plants in the agricultural and agro-industrial areas is the biomass. The same one appears in the form of vegetal and animal residues, such as remaining portions of harvest, animal residues, agroindustry energy and effluent plantations. These residues can be used by the agricultural or agroindustry producer for the direct burning, aiming at the production of heat or production of biogas in biodigestors. Together to the country properties where it has the activity of swine culture, the availability of these residues occurs, characterizing itself in a great energy potential. In this work it was objectified to determine the cost of biogas and the viability of production of electricity generated from exactly in a country property, using itself as equipment of conversion of biogas in electricity a connected engine of internal combustion to an electric generator.Downloads
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