Searching for a job ... But Not Anywhere - Job Opportunities As one of the Determinants of Migration Flows in the Metropolitan Region of Campinas


  • Tiago Augusto da Cunha
  • Silvana Nunes de Queiroz



migração, fluxos populacionais, mercado de trabalho


In this paper, job opportunities in this labor market are seen as a “proxy” to the sprouting of centripetal forces (those that repel population and configure origin´s areas) as well as centrifuges forces (those that converge population flows to itself – destination´s areas). Thus, the main objective of this article is to map the intrametropolitan migration flows of the Metropolitan Area of Campinas (MAC) and correlate these same flows with its job opportunities, using for that some specific indicators: net migration, stock of employees, among others. These notions indicate the roles played by its 19 municipalities over time. The data sources used were the Demographic Censuses of 1991 and 2000 that provide an overview of the changes and transformations in the flows´s pattern during the intercensal period in question. Other data sources used were: RAIS (“Relação Anual de Informações Sociais” - Annual Social Information Report) and CAGED (“Cadastro Geral de Empregados e Desempregados” - General Register of Employed and Unemployed), both of them were developed by MTE (“Ministério do Trabalho e Emprego” - Ministry of Labor and Employment). Finally, all the maps were prepared with “TerraView”, a Brazilian public GIS (Geographic Information Systems) software. The data were tabulated with “SPSS”.


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How to Cite

DA CUNHA, T. A.; NUNES DE QUEIROZ, S. Searching for a job ... But Not Anywhere - Job Opportunities As one of the Determinants of Migration Flows in the Metropolitan Region of Campinas. Informe GEPEC, [S. l.], v. 15, n. 3, p. 89–106, 2000. DOI: 10.48075/igepec.v15i3.6261. Disponível em: Acesso em: 17 jul. 2024.


