Ethical conduct guidelines

The Informe GEPEC Journal is a signatory to the document of standards and conduct for publication "San Francisco Declaration on Research Assessment" by DORA.

Authorship and plagiarism:

Referencing the authors of a scientific article ensures that they receive credit for authorship. Intentionally failing to mention an author's relationship with his work is considered a lack of ethical conduct, which compromises the quality of the article submitted to a scientific journal. In the same sense, it is forbidden to include authors in articles that have not contributed to its construction, including invited authors, in order to increase the chances of publication. Likewise, it is forbidden to include authors in articles, without their permission.

When any source of information is modified it must be clearly identified in the body of the text of the article. It is necessary to describe the changes and obtain written consent from the author of the work and forwarded to the editor of Informe GEPEC Journal in supplementary documents. This guidance is valid for modifications to figures, tables, illustrations, validated questionnaires and related items.

The Editors of Informe GEPEC Journal  reserves the right to:

a) Use the software to verify plagiarism and authenticity of articles submitted to the journal, even before editing or publication. The article may be rejected, even after the evaluation stages;

b) Papers from academic research reports or from monographs, dissertations and theses must present references to the original work;

c) In case of detection of fraud or plagiarism, submission or duplicate publication, the editors of Informe GEPEC Journal may remove the article from the journal's website, suspend publication and, in case of double publication or plagiarism, notify the journal and the original author .

 Use of inclusive language

 Inclusive language acknowledges diversity, conveys respect to all people, is sensitive to differences, and promotes equal opportunities. Content should make no assumptions about the beliefs or commitments of any reader; contain nothing which might imply that one individual is superior to another on the grounds of age, gender, race, ethnicity, culture, sexual orientation, disability or health condition; and use inclusive language throughout. Authors should ensure that writing is free from bias, stereotypes, slang, reference to dominant culture and/or cultural assumptions. We advise to seek gender neutrality by using plural nouns ("clinicians, patients/clients") as default/wherever possible to avoid using "he, she," or "he/she." We recommend avoiding the use of descriptors that refer to personal attributes such as age, gender, race, ethnicity, culture, sexual orientation, disability or health condition unless they are relevant and valid. These guidelines are meant as a point of reference to help identify appropriate language but are by no means exhaustive or definitive.

Research fraud:

Research fraud consists of publishing data, manipulating images, information or conclusions, which were not generated by experiences, methodological procedures or observations, but through invention, changes in the specific characteristics of the orginal or in the falsification of data and information. To avoid fraud of this nature, additional information may be requested by the reviewers or by the Journal's editorial staff.

Predatory Journals

Predatory scientific journals are those that are willing to publish scientific articles without subjecting them to an accurate peer review (if any), as long as the collection fee is paid. Predatory scientific journals do not follow strict peer review parameters. For this reason, the  Informe Gepec  Journal does not accept manuscripts that have in their scientific and bibliographic references the mention of predatory magazines. To consult the list of potentially and  possibly predatory journals, we recommend the following sites:;;

 Conflict of interests and conflicting loyalties:

 Any type of conflict of interest or conflicting loyalties, related to financial issues or beliefs, affect objectivity and influence the actions of people involved in the publication process. The conflict of interest can be of a personal, commercial, political, academic or financial nature. This interferes with the smoothness of scientific publications and the credibility of authors, reviewers or agencies providing training and research support. Conflicts of interest or loyalty must be informed when submitting the article, including a document in the supplementary information or a letter to the editor.

 Authors, when submitting a manuscript, are responsible for recognizing and revealing conflicts of interest or conflicting loyalties that influenced their research and writing. Authors must recognize in the manuscript all support regarding the research.

 The evaluator must disclose to the editors any conflicts of interest that may influence his evaluation of the manuscript, and, when applicable, he must declare himself ineligible to review and evaluate it.

 If the authors or reviewers are unsure of what may constitute a potential conflict of interest, they should contact the managing editor of the Informe GEPEC journal.

Plagiarism policy

The Informe GEPEC Journal recommends and uses the plagiarism scanning policy to ensure that there is no illegality in the articles, as well as guaranteeing the originality of the writing. Authors and reviewers are instructed to use electronic means to scan the texts, with some tools indicated for such action: (i) Plagiarisma; (ii) Plagtracker; (iii) Duplichecker; (iv) Google Search or Google Scholar; (v) WebDocX; (vi) Turnitin; (vii) ithenticate.

The editors of Informe GEPEC Journal reserve the right to:

a) Use the software to verify plagiarism and authenticity of articles submitted to the journal, even before editing or publication. The paper may be rejected, even after the evaluation stages;

b) Papers from academic research reports or from monographs, dissertations and theses must present references to the original work;

c) In case of detection of fraud or plagiarism, submission or duplicate publication, the editors of Informe GEPEC Journal may remove the article from the journal's website, suspend publication and, in case of double publication or plagiarism, notify the journal and the original author .