Training in Environmental Education and Municipal Basic Sanitation




Abstract: This text presents discussions about the integration between environmental education and basic sanitation during an extension activity aimed at integrating students, public entities, and social movements. It results from the monitoring of activities triggered by the implementation of a training course, with the objective of reporting on the contours of the links affecting teacher training in environmental issues. Methodologically, recognized instruments such as documentary research mediation, participant observation, and content analysis were employed. The collected data indicate a process of systematization and understanding required as learning, whose indicators resulted from the implementation of a course integrating different social actors in favor of the challenges posed by the urgency of basic sanitation in an urban territory. Continuing education in environmental education had as its central axis to articulate reflections and experiences on the theme of basic sanitation. The course, which represented inclusive education in the sense of incorporating non-usual themes, was an opportunity to discuss the relationship between theory/practice, as well as pedagogical practices suitable for strengthening public policies.

Keywords: Sanitation. Environmental Education. Teacher Training. Environmentalization.

Author Biography

Rosmarie Reinehr, Universidade Estadual do Rio Grande do Sul




How to Cite

REINEHR, R.; RUSCHEINSKY, A.; DUARTE, P. dos R. Training in Environmental Education and Municipal Basic Sanitation. International Journal of Environmental Resilience Research and Science, [S. l.], v. 6, n. 1, 2024. DOI: 10.48075/ijerrs.v5i2.32374. Disponível em: Acesso em: 19 oct. 2024.