About the Journal

  1. Focus, scope, publication frequency and editorial polices.

Focus and scope. Promotion of research carried out in the Onomastics field in Brazil, Latin America and overseas

Publication frequency. Since 2023, there is   publication of one volume per year. In 2023  the journal started to adopt a continuous flow (rolling pass) of publication. In each annual issue, 20 to 25 articles are published. Each author or co-author may publish in the journal one article per year.

Editorial polices

The journal follows the Code of conduct and best practice guidelines for journals more information about COPE can be found at https://publicationethics.org/core-practices  and in the "Editorial Policies" tab on the journal's homepage.

About Open Journal Systems

The journal uses Open Journal Systems (OJS, a  free code system for the administration and publication of magazines, developed with support and distribution by the Public Knowledge Project under the GNU General Public License. Visit the PKP website to learn more about the software.  

  1. Evaluation process and Peer Reviewers Guidelines

Evaluation process

The submitted articles are sent to two referees, if the submission receives a favourable evaluation for publication by both, the article will be published. If one of the opinions is unfavourable, the submission will be forwarded to a third referee and the editorial decision will be that of the majority . During the submission evaluation process, the anonymity of both authors and referees is ensured. If the author disagrees with the evaluation made by the referee in any aspect, he may justify his point of view to the editor or, if he prefers, request the withdrawal of the article from the journal. After the evaluation of the article by the reviewers, it is up to the scientific editors of the journal to approve or not to publish it.

 Another condition to be fulfilled for the evaluation of the articles refers to the absence of plagiarism, if any of the reviewers or scientific editors of the journal show the occurrence of plagiarism, the article will be rejected for publication, if after publication there is a reasoned complaint of plagiarism of some article, it will be removed from the number and volume of which it is part.

Clarification on the choice of reviewers for the articles submitted: for each article is chosen as reviewers, specialists who are not affiliated to the same institution of the authors. If there is submission of an article authored by one of the editors of the journal, the entire publishing process is the responsibility of the co-editor who guarantees the anonymity and confidentiality of the evaluation.

Peer Reviewers Guidelines

The role the Peer Reviewer is to evaluate the submitted article and provide constructive feedback to authors and to the journal. Taking into account the evaluation carried out, the Peer Reviewer must make a decision with respect to the article submitted.

There are the following alternatives: reject the article, accept the article since followed the recommendations provided by the reviewer or accept the article without restrictions. We advise that the Peer reviewer be polite and that he/she seeks to justify his/her evaluations and suggest solutions to the problems found. In the page Peer Reviewer (parecerista), there is a field where the evaluation must be inserted and another field in which you can include the version of the article with commentaries. In the end of the page, there is a field to register the Peer Reviewer’s decision.

In the evaluation, the Peer Reviewer must consider, at least, two aspects: 1. Theme- if the article is in line with the scope of the journal, 2. Editing - if the article follows the rules of the journal, 3. Structure and extension of the article - if the text is coherent, well organized and complete, 4. Title and abstract- if they describe and reflect the content of the article), 5. Article contribution to the field- if the article represents some scientific innovation either in terms of the object of study, of the methodology used or of the theoretical foundation chosen, 6. Suggestions to improve the article, if necessary, and 7. Justify the editorial decision taken (rejection, conditional acceptance, acceptance).

  1. Open Acess Police

 This journal offers immediate free access to its content, following the principle that making scientific knowledge freely available to the public provides greater global democratization of knowledge.


This magazine uses the LOCKSS system to create a file system distributed among participating libraries and allows them to create permanent magazine files for preservation and restoration.

  1. Indexing sources

Scopus - INDEXED  in February 2024 Scopus preview - Scopus - Onomastica desde America Latina


Diadorim - Brazilian Directory   https://diadorim.ibict.br/ 

Latindex -Latin american Directory   https://www.latindex.org/latindex/inicio

MLA- Modern Language Association of America

 Home | Modern Language Association (mla.org)

Livre - Brazilian Portal of Brazilian and international journals of free acess 

CNEN - Livre - Periódicos de livre acesso

Doaj -Directory of Open Access Journals

Journals – Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ)

Erih Plus -European Reference Index for the Humanities ans Social Sciences 

Journal information | ERIH PLUS | NSD (hkdir.no)

Qualis Periódicos (2017 -2020) - Brazilian system of Journals evaluation

Plataforma Sucupira (capes.gov.br)




Onomástica desde América Latina - Dialnet (unirioja.es)

Catalogs, directories, and databases

Zeitschriften DatenBank -German Union Catalogue of Serials (ZDB)

ZDB catalogue - Detailed title record information:... (zdb-katalog.de)

Sudoc –catalogue du Système Universitaire de Documentation  français


FATCAT  catalog of research publication

Onomástica desde América Latina | fatcat!

OpenAlex – open catalogo f the world´s scholarly research system

OpenAlex | Onomástica desde América Latina

ROAD - Directory of Open Access Scholarly Resources

Welcome to ROAD | ROAD (issn.org)



 ‪Onomástica desde América Latina - ‪Google Académico