The The relationship between poultry producers and their integrators: a case of West Region of Paraná, Brazil


Supporting Agencies
Capes, Rhein Wall Aplied Science, Universidade Estadual do Oeste do Paraná


vertical coordination, agribusiness, value chain organization, industrial organization, economic developmet


Brazilian poultry sector stands out as the second largest poultry producer in the world and the world's largest exporter of chicken meat, where Paraná State has one of the most important contributions to the sector. Thus, the main objective of this paper consist to discuss the relationship between poultry producers and their integrators in West region of Paraná, capturing poultry producer’s perception and theirs decisions for choosing and staying in an integration contract. A sample of 98 producers were interviewed and non-parametric statistical tests were used, including cross-reference tables, comparison proportions tests and bivariate correlations. Results indicate that producer profiles are mainly constituted by small or medium enterprises with a high dependence degree on agro-industry. An intense competition exists and mostly, producers choose an integrator based on brand trustworthiness and not according to prices offered, explained by the high specificity of production relationship.


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Author Biographies

Celso José Farias, Universidade Estadual do Oeste do Paraná

Accountant, Master in Economics and Doctoral Student in Sustainable Rural Development at Unioeste. Secretary of Education of the State of Paraná, Unimeo/Ctesop - Higher Technical-Educational Center of the West of Paraná

Mirian Beatriz Schneider, Universidade Estadual do Oeste do Paraná - UNIOESTE

Economista pela Unioeste. Mestre em Desenvolvimento Econômico pela Universidade Federal do Paraná. Doutora em História pela Universidad de León/ Espanha e Pós-doutora em Economia Aplicada pela ESALQ/USP

Alain Hernández Santoyo, Federal University of Alfenas, campus Varginha

PhD in Economics Science. Foreign Visiting Professor of the Postgraduate Program in Economics (PPGEconomia). Institute of Applied Social Science (ICSA). Federal University of Alfenas (UNIFAL-MG), Campus Varginha

Dietrich Darr, Rhine-Waal University of Applied Sciences - Germany

Professor at Faculty of Life Sciences, Rhine-Waal University of Applied
Sciences, Marie-Curie-Str. 1, 47533 Kleve, Germany


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How to Cite

FARIAS, C. J. .; SCHNEIDER, M. B.; SANTOYO, A. H. .; DARR, D. The The relationship between poultry producers and their integrators: a case of West Region of Paraná, Brazil. Informe GEPEC, [S. l.], v. 27, n. 1, p. 199–227, 2023. DOI: 10.48075/igepec.v27i1.29402. Disponível em: Acesso em: 17 jul. 2024.