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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • Files for submission are named with the title of the work (without identification of authors) in Microsoft Word, OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, RTF, or WordPerfect document file format.
  • Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.
  • The body text has a first line indentation of 1,25 and a line spacing of 1,5; uses a 12-point font; employs italics, rather than underlining (except with URL addresses); and all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate points, rather than at the end.
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines, which is found in About the Journal.
  • If submitting to a peer-reviewed section of the journal, the instructions in Ensuring a Blind Review have been followed.

Author Guidelines

Guidelines for Authors (English)

 Ideação is an interdisciplinary journal that receives original unpublished manuscripts (original articles, book reviews and interviews) in the areas of Education, Letters, Health and Humanities.

To submit a manuscript to Ideação, the author must register and log in the system.

Ideação does not charge any fee for submission, evaluation, or publication.

Bellow you find the general guidelines for submitting your manuscript. If in doubt,  send a message to:

To know all the editorial stages, access our editorial policy.

1) About submission

Submissions must be via the system and all authors must be registered and indicated as authors in the initial submission. Please, not that only one is responsible for the submission and indicated for correspondence. Inclusion of authors will not be accepted after the acceptance of the manuscript.

When filling in metadata, pay attention to filling in all data required.

2) About the manuscript to be submitted

Unpublished original works that fit the editorial policy of the journal are classified in the list right below:

• Original articles that present results of unpublished research. They should address theoretical or practical topics.

• Essays - Exposition and discussion of ideas and points of view on a given theme, presenting originality when focusing the subject.

• Reviews of books published in Brazil, in 1st edition, for a maximum of 2 years, and abroad, for a maximum of 3 years;

• Translations of articles or essays that represent a contribution to the fields of knowledge that belong to the scope of Ideação. They must be accompanied by authorization from the original author / journal.

• Interviews with intellectuals, researchers and professors acknowledged for their contributions in their area of knowledge, which deals with topics within the editorial line of Ideação and that represents the interest of society.

Papers (articles and reviews) can be written in Portuguese, English or Spanish and must have the extension .doc or .docx.

Presentation of the manuscript:

A4 size paper (21 cm X 29.7 cm), with 3 cm top and left margins, and 2 cm right and bottom margins. The font must be Times New Roman, size 12, spacing 1,5, justified paragraph with indentation of 1.25 cm. The file must not have formatting marks (style, tabs) or page numbers, with a maximum of 8000 words and a maximum of 20 pages.

The structure of the initial version of the article must have:

• Title (maximum 15 words) in Portuguese, English or Spanish (depending on the language used in the body of the text) and in English, UPPERCASE, font size 16;

 • Abstract (from 100 to 250 words), presenting objectives, theoretical framework, results and conclusion, in font size 10, simple space, without indentation, with an extension of 100 to 250 words. The book reviews need no abstracts.

 • Keywords: three to five keywords, corresponding to the general work concepts. Reviews must also contain keywords in Portuguese, Spanish or French (depending on the language of the text) and the corresponding ones in English; for Health area, DeCS or MeSH.

 • In case the manscript is written in Portuguese, the presentation of Abstract (in English) is mandatory, followed by three keywords (Key words) in English. Attention: In case the work is written in English, an abstract must also be presented in Portuguese.

 • Introduction;

 • Body of the text divided into sections;

 • Two lines below the keywords, between the lines 1.5, font size 12, justified, indentation of 1,25. Subtitles must be aligned to the left margin;

 • Conclusion or final considerations;

 • Titles and subtitles, spelled in UPPERCASE, begin with the INTRODUCTION and end with the REFERENCES.

 • References (see more information below)

Download the formatted file to replace with your manuscript data: Download File Technical Standards


References must be organized according to ABNT norms - NBR6023

They must be left aligned, justified, without indentation. They should be organized based on the authors' surnames (arranged in alphabetical order) and, in the case of the same author, in the chronological sequence of publication of the works cited, two lines after the text or the acknowledgments. References to translated works must indicate the translation credits.

Reference to books

Capital surname, first letters of names. Title of the work in italics, followed by the name of the translator (if any), name of the city, followed by a colon, name of the Publisher and year of publication:

LIBÂNEO, J.C. Didática. São Paulo: Cortez, 1994.

References to book chapters

Capital surname, first letters of names. Title without emphasis, followed by the title of the work in which the chapter is inserted (in italics), preceded by In, with colon, identification of the work and pages of the chapter.

MISHLER, E.G. Narrativa e identidade: a mão dupla do tempo. In: MOITA LOPES, L.P. e BAST OS, L.C. (Orgs.), Identidade: recortes multi e interdisciplinares. Campinas: Mercado de Letras, 2002, p. 97-119.

References to journal articles

Capital surname, first letters of names. Title of the article in round, followed by the name of the journal in italics, number of the journal and the pages.

SAVIANI, D. Teorias pedagógicas contra-hegemônicas. Ideação. v. 10, n.2, 2º. Semestre, 2008. p. 11-28.

References to dissertations and theses

Program identification, followed by institution, city and year.

CARON, M.F. Os selos da exclusão: efeitos de poder do psicodiagnóstico. Tese de Doutorado em Linguística.Unicamp, Campinas: 2004.


The NBR 10520 of ABNT follows. The author must be cited in parentheses, exclusively by surname, separated by a comma from the date of publication: (NEVES, 2006).

If there is a coincidence of surnames, the initials of their first names are added: (LIMA, C., 1999) and (LIMA, R., 2002).

If the coincidence persists, the first names must come in full: (LIMA, Cláudio, 1999) and (LIMA, Camila, 2002).

Quotes of works of the same author, published in the same year, must be broken down by lowercase letters after the date, without space: (GIVÓN, 2002a, 2002b). If the author is mentioned in the text, only the date will come in parentheses: Neves (2006) admits more than one way ...

Works with up to three authors, all must have their surnames indicated, separated by semicolons (MARTELLOTA; FURTADO; MEDIANEIRA, 2003). If there are more than three, the first surname is indicated, followed by et. al. (MATEUS et al., 1985).

 In direct citations, the page (s) must (s) follow the date, after the comma and the indication p .: (NEVES, 2006, p.102). If the excerpt corresponds to a range of pages, separate the initial from the final with a hyphen: (NEVES, 2006, p.102-110).

The direct quote, up to three lines, must be inserted in a common paragraph of the text, in double quotation marks. Single quotes will be used to indicate the quote within the quote.

The direct quotation, with more than three lines, must constitute an autonomous paragraph, justified, without quotation marks, highlighted with a 4 cm indentation from the left margin, in a TIMES NEW ROMAN font, normal, size 10, single space.

Highlights in citations should be in italics and, after the reference page number, the expression [emphasis added] should be used in square brackets.

Citations in foreign languages must be translated into the body of the text with reference to the footnote in which the original excerpt will be transcribed. There is no need to indicate that the author of the translation is the author (s) of the article.

Excerpts from other works by the author himself must be properly referenced. Self-citation must be justified in the context and must not exceed the limit of 15% of the total works cited.

Notes: must be placed at the bottom of the page and numbered sequentially.

Attention: The name of the author (s) must appear only when filling in the metadata when submitting. In the inserted file, the name of the author (s) and any form of identification of authorship must be removed to allow blind evaluation.

In case of sending a translation, the author (s) must (as) send as complementary documents: (1) the publication authorization of the author of the original or the editor of the first publication, if the latter holds the copyright; (2) the text in the original language.

In the case of an original published on the Web, the URL must be indicated in the "Comments to the editor" field. In the case of printed original texts, these must be scanned and attached as complementary documents.


3) About authorship

Ideação accepts manuscripts by authors of any degree. However, it is requested that this be indicated in the metadata, in 'biography summary'.

In case of co-authorship, the authors must be people who have effectively contributed to the work and agreed with this indication, as they will publicly assume responsibility for the content.

Each author must submit only one paper per call. The publication of more than one article, with the participation of the same author (even in co-authorship), must obey the minimum interval of two years.

4) About the post-accepted version

Authors' names: in full, two lines below the title, aligned to the right, one on each line, single spacing between them (in the case of more than one author);

Affiliation: in a footnote, drawn by the author, which includes the title, institution of origin, city and state and the author's e-mail;

Funding: if the author received assistance from research funding agencies, he must indicate the agency in a footnote.

Acknowledgments: optionally, they can be preceded by this subtitle and colon, in a single paragraph, of a maximum of three lines, justified, without indentation, in simple spacing, two lines after the end of the text;

Additional information about the text, in a footnote drawn from the title.

Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.