The food production for the familiar consumption: importance of self-consumption face to the alimentary risks


  • Catia Grisa


Riscos, Agricultura Familiar e Autoconsumo


The article discusses the self-consumption food production as
a strategy of the family farms to minimize the exposition to the alimentary
risks: these risks are originated of the use of pesticides in the productive
process and of the industrialized food consumption with additions in its
composition. The farmers have the perception that the consumption of
industrialized foods or foods in natura acquired through markets is carrying
of alimentary risk. In turn, the self-consumption production generally is
exempt of pesticides, ensuring the food consumption “without poisons” and
the tranquillity of the know what is consumed. The results derive from research proceeded in four municipalities of the Rio Grande do Sul, where was applied
238 questionnaire and 35 interviews. Initially, the article discusses the
subject of the “Risk Society” and, later, it discusses the relevance of selfconsumption
in the context of such societies.



How to Cite

GRISA, C. The food production for the familiar consumption: importance of self-consumption face to the alimentary risks. Varia Scientia, [S. l.], v. 8, n. 14, p. p. 171–200, 2009. Disponível em: Acesso em: 18 jul. 2024.



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