Trajetória de vida antes e após o ingresso na universidade: história oral de estudantes internacionais




Emigração e Imigração; Cooperação Internacional; Saúde do Estudante.


International students generally experience several challenges when inserted into an educational model and country that are different from those of origin. The objective was to understand the life trajectory of international students before and after entering a Brazilian public university. Oral history constitutes the theoretical-methodological framework for collecting and interpreting data. 15 international students from a public university in southern Brazil participated, who had the ability to communicate in Portuguese. Data collection took place between January and March 2023, through semi-structured interviews, which were recorded, transcribed in full and analyzed according to Content Analysis, thematic modality. Three categories emerged: “Facing difficulties in the host country”; “Facilitating aspects for facing difficulties in the host country” and “Recognizing the past and thinking about the future”. It is hoped that the results of this study can support the development of local institutional policies that strengthen the reception and integration of international students, as well as foster broader discussions that allow university internationalization managers to recognize the life stories of international students and thus, in an empathetic way, develop strategies that allow creating a culture of longitudinal reception for this group of students in Brazilian universities.


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How to Cite

FECCHIO , C. A.; COSTA, S. E.; LEÃO REGO , R.; CASSANDRE , M. P.; SANGUINO , G. Z.; BARRETO, M. da S. Trajetória de vida antes e após o ingresso na universidade: história oral de estudantes internacionais. Educere et Educare, [S. l.], v. 19, n. 48, p. 95–118, 2024. DOI: 10.48075/educare.v19i48.32125. Disponível em: Acesso em: 29 jun. 2024.