The education of the young yokels: study on bullyng of young people from schools in countryfield


  • Fábio Fernandes Villela

Supporting Agencies


Preconceito contra a Origem Geográfica e de Lugar, Caipiras, Sociologia da Educação.


Abstract: This text aims to present some results of a survey research titled “Contemporary ruralities in São José do Rio Preto (SP): study of the ways of living and thinking the country through the use of social media”. This work enabled investigate the social representations of prejudice against the geographical origin and place by students from high schools in rural areas, and its main purpose is to improve the training of teachers in the education field. Studying social representations of prejudice against the geographical origin and place of thinking enables teacher education from the perspective of counter-cultural hegemony. In the context of the macro-region of São José do Rio Preto (SP), it is relevant those social representations about the “yokel”, so this study aims to collaborate on research interested in describing and understanding the processes that involve relations between prejudice, education and rural world , especially in traditional communities called “yokels.


Key-Words: Bullyng; Yokels; Educational Sociology.



How to Cite

VILLELA, F. F. The education of the young yokels: study on bullyng of young people from schools in countryfield. Educere et Educare, [S. l.], v. 10, n. 19, 2013. DOI: 10.17648/educare.v10i19.8961. Disponível em: Acesso em: 31 mar. 2025.



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