



Conceptions, Science, Teachers, Basic education


Considering the social advances and the consequences evidenced after the advent of web 2.0, through personal and personal experiences, it is possible to notice that in basic education, for some, there is still a dilemma about what science is . There is a kind of conflict that deals with the areas of Natural Sciences (Physics, Chemistry and Biology) and Mathematics versus Languages ​​and their Technologies (Portuguese Language, Writing, English Language, Spanish Language, Art and Physical Education) and Human and Social Sciences Applied (History, Geography, Philosophy and Sociology). Thus, through a descriptive, interpretative and qualitative investigative work, this research seeks to analyze the conceptions of basic education teachers about what science is, about pedagogical practices adopted in the classroom, considering their professional training based on works by Santos ( 2008), Weber (2008), among others. For this, through an electronic questionnaire, we collected some reflections of 03 (three) teachers, aiming to know their conceptions about science in their practices as education professionals, in the area of ​​Languages. We conclude that the conceptions are wide and diversified, and that the scientific work is always directly or indirectly inserted in the school context, however, there are still some impasses regarding the continuing education of teachers.


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How to Cite

BEZERRA, L.; SILVA, M. Z. V. da; SANTOS, S. C. M. dos. HISTORY AND PHILOSOPHY OF SCIENCES: CONCEPTIONS OF LANGUAGE TEACHERS AND THEIR TECHNOLOGIES. Temas & Matizes, [S. l.], v. 17, n. 31, p. 977–1005, 2024. DOI: 10.48075/rtm.v17i31.31927. Disponível em: https://e-revista.unioeste.br/index.php/temasematizes/article/view/31927. Acesso em: 17 jul. 2024.



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