Mediated Learning Experience in Scientific Education: Promoting Argumentative Protagonism in Sixth-Grade Students Regarding the Shape of the Earth




: Educação Científica, Protagonismo Argumentativo, Experiência de Aprendizagem Mediada.


Understanding the argumentative process and its construction is fundamental in a teaching and learning environment focused on science education and the development of citizenship. Thus, this article is dedicated to analyzing the effectiveness of implementing the Mediated Learning Experience (MLE), as proposed by Feuerstein (1990), as a pedagogical strategy to stimulate argumentative protagonism among 41 sixth grade students in the year 2023, with an emphasis on understanding the shape of planet Earth. The data presented was obtained through one of the pedagogical sequences developed as part of the main author's doctoral research. Both the research and this article are based on the qualitative paradigm. The activity was applied to the students, and the written productions were collected and submitted to qualitative analysis, following the guidelines of Yin (2016). The results show that 26.81% of the students were able to construct an argumentative text, while 56.09% were able to list elements pertinent to argumentation. On the other hand, 14.63% developed incomplete arguments, and 2.43% did not complete the activity. This data indicates that the MAS proved to be effective in stimulating the production of written arguments by the majority of the students involved in the research.


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How to Cite

MIRANDA, R. S.; LORENCINI JÚNIOR, Álvaro. Mediated Learning Experience in Scientific Education: Promoting Argumentative Protagonism in Sixth-Grade Students Regarding the Shape of the Earth. Temas & Matizes, [S. l.], v. 17, n. 31, p. 127–152, 2023. DOI: 10.48075/rtm.v17i29.32006. Disponível em: Acesso em: 13 may. 2024.



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