Chapeuzinho Vermelho sob o olhar do Ensino de Ciências: contribuições para a alfabetização científica




Scientific literacy, Early Years, Children's literature


Scientific literacy in the early years helps students to better understand the world, and can be inserted into the educational environment through children's literature. The objective of this research was to identify indicators of Scientific Literacy in the speeches of children in conversation circles related to the telling of the story of Little Red Riding Hood and to investigate the stereotype of the wolf character. The study has a qualitative approach focusing on exploratory research, case study, and classification of Scientific Literacy indicators. The results revealed that children present conceptions related to the wolf character that are strongly influenced by the story of Little Red Riding Hood. Furthermore, they make a distinction between the fictional world and the real one, although the majority do not separate the wolf animal from the character, characterizing them all as dangerous. As indicators of scientific literacy, it is possible to notice that they mix the real and imaginary worlds in their speeches and stereotypes interfere in their explanatory and justifying arguments about comparing the character wolf with the animal wolf. In this way, the teacher can use this discussion in the classroom to promote awareness and appreciation of fauna animals, providing scientific literacy.


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How to Cite

BREUNIG , E. T.; RICHTER, L.; GOLDSCHMIDT, A. I. Chapeuzinho Vermelho sob o olhar do Ensino de Ciências: contribuições para a alfabetização científica. Temas & Matizes, [S. l.], v. 17, n. 31, p. 169–188, 2023. DOI: 10.48075/rtm.v17i29.32022. Disponível em: Acesso em: 17 jul. 2024.



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