Improvising on a theme by Larrosa: classroom daily in a discipline about “narratives of self” in research in Music Education


  • Ana Lúcia Marques Louro - Universidade Federal de Santa Maria



Formação de professores, Educação Musical, Pesquisa (auto)biográfica, diários de aula.


This text talks about an autobiographical research about the lessons of a discipline of a Degree Course in Music. Such discipline deals with the "narrative of self" in qualitative research in music education. From the daily classroom, written during the first semester of 2012, are focused, priority, those that about classes in which pupils experience reports sought to be opposing the text snippets of Larrosa (2002), with respect to vision, narrative and legal dimensions. Such daily helped in a general reflection informing the discussion of a lesson to the other. They also assisted to increase reflection subject on education with those specific music. The theoretical structure, by Larrosa (2002) and the other texts, argued the debate. The intimate and local training of music teachers was approached. In this sense, it seemed consistent aim teaching methodologies and research that does not scatter the debates presented, but that the focus in the reflection on the "self experience". It is expected to contribute to the debates on higher education and the multiple exchanges between the research in education and music education.



How to Cite

LOURO - UNIVERSIDADE FEDERAL DE SANTA MARIA, A. L. M. Improvising on a theme by Larrosa: classroom daily in a discipline about “narratives of self” in research in Music Education. Educere et Educare, [S. l.], v. 8, n. 16, p. 479–497, 2013. DOI: 10.17648/educare.v8i16.6849. Disponível em: Acesso em: 18 jul. 2024.