
  • Jeannette Filomeno Pouchain Ramos
  • Santana Leilane Leilane da Silva Gomes

Supporting Agencies
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico – CNPq, Edital Universal 14/2013 - Gestão por resultados na Educação, a responsabilização e o regime de colaboração na promoção do direito a educação (1995-2010


Descentralização. Regime de Colaboração. Sistema de Educação.


In order to reach a quality school education, the Brazilian State chose a competitive cooperative federalism (CURY, 2010). Therefore, the State created, in the 90’s, the National Education System, to articulate the actions of each department. During this period, facing pressure of international organisms, national and local, under the legal permission, the following premise arouse: The best place for a child is at school. However, the Ceará State Government, within the period of 1995 and 2006, didn’t create more spaces to attend the demand for high school students, accomplishing only the replacement of the primary education service to the cities, without intern institutional planning. In this sense, this work aims to analyze the regime of cooperation among Federal Government-State-City, in promoting the constitutional right of basic education in Fortaleza City (1995 until 2006). Specifically, we intend to comprehend the concepts and models of State, federation and decentralization and to analyze the guidelines and dedication of policies on municipal basic education charge and State high school charge. We adopted, in this analysis, the exploratory research, quantitative and qualitative character, with a bibliographic, documental and empiric emphasis. The literary review discusses about concepts of decentralization, educational system and regime of cooperation (SAVIANI, 2009; CURY, 2010, ARRETCHE, 1999 e DUARTE, 2003). Concurring, we did documental analyses on plans, regulations, reports and government messages and eight interviews, half-structured, with managers of the system and the school. Understanding the Federative State as a system of independent states, but all united under a sovereign government, we pondered that the acceptance of the cooperation among its members mustn’t take away the coordinative function of the Federal Government on national educational policies. However, the managerial model, proposed by the State reformation, seeks for rationalization of expenses, with centralized measures, as the municipal charge, without considering the technical and financial capability, as well as the conditions of permanence and the quality of teaching offered by the cities. When comparing the progress of enrolment in basic and high schools, in Fortaleza City, within 1997 and 2005, we noticed a mere relocation of enrolments. We also noticed the lack of specific regulation of the National Educational System, at the same time that punctual rules, like the Law 12.452/95, which regulates  the municipal charge, and the accord firmed within the State and 124 townships, in 1997, to empower the regime of cooperation. This lack is justified by both misunderstanding about the wide concept of systems, within the complete concept of Federative State, and by the organizational tradition of the Portuguese State, which formation occurred based on the families and the people, mainly particularistic, communal, municipal, infused and convicted of the spirit of fraction (RAMOS, 2009), it means, a formation that is contrary to the idea of a national unit. From this point, the economic, cultural, technological and fiscal gaps among states and cities were accentuated and influenced negatively on the permanence in the quality of education in the city of Fortaleza.



How to Cite

RAMOS, J. F. P.; GOMES, S. L. L. da S. LA MUNICIPALIZACIÓN INDUCIDOS A HIGH SCHOOL SECUNDARIA PERSUASIÓN. Educere et Educare, [S. l.], v. 9, n. 18, 2014. DOI: 10.17648/educare.v9i18.10124. Disponível em: Acesso em: 3 jul. 2024.



Núcleo Temático: Educação Básica