


Assistive Technology, Visual Impairment, Inclusive Education


The use of Assistive Technologies (ATs) for the teaching and learning process can make a great contribution to promoting autonomy, equal access to information, interaction and social inclusion of visually impaired students. Thus, the objective of this work was to reach studies focused on basic and higher education, which discuss the use of ATs to minimize barriers in educational contexts involving students with visual impairment. The methodology used is the integrative review, which is a format that allows the review, criticism and synthesis of research. Eighteen articles from the Web of Science, Scopus and Scielo databases were analyzed. Through an in-depth reading of the studies, the results indicate that ATs have great potential for learning visually impaired students, but for this to occur in practice depends on several factors, including overcoming barriers such as the availability of resources adequate to the need for trained professionals.



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How to Cite

LIMA, A. C.; RIBAS ULBRICHT, V. THE USE OF ASSISTIVE TECHNOLOGY: RELEVANT FACTOR IN THE TEACHING AND LEARNING PROCESS OF STUDENTS WITH VISUAL IMPAIRMENTS . Educere et Educare, [S. l.], v. 18, n. 45, p. 578–596, 2023. DOI: 10.48075/educare.v18i45.31339. Disponível em: Acesso em: 17 jul. 2024.