AMONG THE COFFEE BUSHES: many faces of black children’s schooling process in Vassouras, from 1890 to 1930.


  • Alexandre Ribeiro Neto; Roberto Conduru

Supporting Agencies


Crianças negras. Processo de escolarização. Vassouras.


Our work has a regional clipping to start the light, on the old slavery Center the Southern Fluminense region of Rio de Janeiro, bringing back the scene of History of Education, black people as subjects and historical agents. We have questioned the research documentary sources collected in different memory institutions. Among them: the newspaper O Vassourense, Report by the Chairman of the Province, requests the Soldada, Population Census the of 1872. For some historians, there is great difficulty in following the traces left by blacks in the documentary sources of research, showing the silence of the colors in the court documents from the late 19th century. There was a similar process in the documents consulted by researchers of Education. One of the greatest challenges into the History of Education is to locate in the archives the presence of black children at school benches in the period after freedom. With our work we hope to fill the this blank space. We use as theoretical-methodological support the Evidence Paradigm which consists of tracking, small fragments, traces and clues, to retrieve the history of societies from time past. Fonseca (2002 e 2009) analyzed the presence of black children in schools of Minas Gerais. Barros (2005) applied back your efforts to know the process of education of black children in São Paulo. Silva (2000) presented the school of teacher Pretextato dos Passos Silva schools, at the Court of Rio de Janeiro, who wished to educate black children. Lopes (2012), in a recent survey on the same area, indicated that other educational institutions received black students. However, there are few works in the field of Education to examine the province, especially the Vale do Paraíba Fluminense. Studies on slavery in this region have a considerable production. We intend to have a dialogue with them, without forgetting the documentary sources are selected to meet the schooling process of black children developed among the coffee bushes.



How to Cite

ROBERTO CONDURU, A. R. N. AMONG THE COFFEE BUSHES: many faces of black children’s schooling process in Vassouras, from 1890 to 1930. Educere et Educare, [S. l.], v. 9, n. 17, p. 293–305, 2014. DOI: 10.17648/educare.v9i17.9297. Disponível em: Acesso em: 18 mar. 2025.