Learning the notion of comparison between integers numbers:

a study based on Thorndike connectionist theory





Integer numbers, Trial and Error, Connectionism, Learning


Considering the influence of the multiple response law proposed by Thorndike (1913) and the use of games as a didactic resource for mathematical learning, this article aims to verify the trials and errors presented by students during the application of a game involving the notion comparison between integers numbers. for this, the game called siri ride was applied, with students from a 6th grade class of elementary school final years, which provided a favorable environment for the execution of successive attempts by the students, until they reach the solution of the proposed situation. This type of activity has the potential to promote reflection, survey and test of hypotheses, in addition to contact with error, for the construction and/or consolidation of mathematical knowledge, also allowing the teacher to draw an overview of the understanding of the students about the notion that has been worked on.


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Author Biographies

Joalisson Bahia Santana, Universidade Federal de Sergipe

Especialista em Ensino de Ciências Naturais e Matemática, Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia Baiano (IFBAIANO). Mestrando em Ensino de Ciências e Matemática pela Universidade Federal de Sergipe (UFS), São Cristóvão, SE, Brasil. E-mail: joalissonbahia@hotmail.com.

Laerte Silva da Fonseca, Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia de Sergipe

Livre-docente, Emil Brunner World University® (EBWU). Professor titular do Instituto Federal de Sergipe (IFS), Aracaju, SE, Brasil. E-mail: laerte.fonseca@ifs.edu.br.

Adriana Breda, Universitat de Barcelona

Pós-Doutora, Universitat de Barcelona (UB). Professora da Universitat de Barcelona (UB), Barcelona, Espanha. E-mail: adriana.breda@ub.edu.


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How to Cite

SANTANA, J. B.; FONSECA, L. S. da; BREDA, A. Learning the notion of comparison between integers numbers:: a study based on Thorndike connectionist theory. Revista Brasileira de Educação em Ciências e Educação Matemática, [S. l.], v. 6, n. 3, p. 384–400, 2022. DOI: 10.48075/ReBECEM.2.v.6.n.3.28715. Disponível em: https://e-revista.unioeste.br/index.php/rebecem/article/view/28715. Acesso em: 20 oct. 2024.


