Vol. 24 No. 2 (2022): Dossier: Intercultural Contemporary Languages ​​and Poetics

Ilustração da capa da Edição volume 24 número 2 de 2022, apresenta a logo da Revista Ideação acima e o título "Linguagens e Poéticas Contemporâneas Interculturais", logo abaixo temos a ilustração Pirambola do artista Luis Napoli.

The dossier brings together manuscripts that address issues related to languages, the teaching of languages ​​and literature and other artistic manifestations from an intercultural perspective. We believe that the new possibilities of representation and understanding can take place through the most diverse and varied forms of art (verbal, figurative and/or performative) and communication (digital media, internet). We prioritize the discourses, artistic and/or linguistic productions inherent to different cultures, times, conditions of realization and teaching, as well as the apparently disjunctive relationships that potentially bring together presumably disparate productions and discourses.

Dílson César Devides – UFMT/CUA and Michelle Mittelstedt – IFMT/Primavera do Leste (Organizadores)

Published: 30-06-2022

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